Saturday, December 22, 2012

What's Important

So here we are, diving into the holidays.

I took a little time off work to spend with the fam (and then got sick).  Of course.  We spent the last 3 days fighting the crud and getting the house in order for staff to come for a Christmas get-together.  In the buying of the gifts, the purchases for the house to get it presentable, the birthdays and such..I lost sight of something.

You see today (Saturday) I wanted nothing more than to rest, sleep, nap, eat and repeat.  But I volunteered to be a Pastor at the Prayer Chapel at Metropolitan Ministries this afternoon.

I really did not want to do this, but felt it necessary when asked.  I really just wanted stay home with the family and relax.  But then something happened.

I was semi-watching a Christmas movie that Jennifer had recorded. I could not tell you the name, other than it was done in early 2000's and runs the vein of the Hallmark movies (but just better acting).  At the end a statement was made that caught my attention:

"Possibly the worth of a man is not the size of his bank account, but rather the size of his heart."

That hit me.

Yes.  That is true.  That statement resonates with me.  Is that not why I do what I do?  Is that not what my heartbeat has been for as long as I can remember?  At what point have I lost that truth?  When did it become surviving, doing what I want and allowing my heart and life to be numbed by the worldly and selfish desires?

So here lies a life statement for me:

"The worth of a man IS NOT the size of his bank account, but rather the size of his heart."

May I stay true to that way of life.

I cannot wait to see what God does today at Metro Min.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Has it been since MAY?

Well then.

This summer got away from us, addition to the family, addition of a new home, life in general gets crazy.

Now I come back and Blogger looks very different.  Very different.  My brain doesn't adjust well anymore to these kinds of things, so bear with me as I attempt to traverse the new "best" thing.

Well, I have lots of thoughts on life, faith and the general direction of all mankind.  But right now I have to work.  I know.

But do what you love.  Then it's a pretty great gig.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just Over That Hill...

As I was driving to work this morning I was reminded of something simple and I wanted to share it with you.

Driving down the Suncoast Parkway in the mornings is usually pretty uneventful.  Speed traps are the only thing to keep you mindful of your drive.  This morning, I was reminded of something that I saw a while back.

I was driving as usual when I came upon a person in the median broken down.  A gal was kind of leaning up against her car with a "what do I do now?" look on her face.  Cars, going 70 will not be able to slow or stop for the reality of getting creamed.  She was stuck and seemingly unwilling to make a move.

Here is what caught me:

She was at the base of an incline in the road.  As I came over the top of the incline I was able to see 2 highway patrol sitting at the bottom.  They were probably chatting and waiting to catch someone flying over the hill.  To the gal, however, they might as well have been 50 miles away.

But they were right there!
No more than 50 yards away.  Help was right there.  Right over that next hill.

God "caught" my mind in that moment.

How many times when things break down in our life, is God right over that next hill?  He is right there, but we stay in the broken place, not wanting to trek the hill, see what is on the other side?

Maybe today in your life, God is saying,

"C'mon.  Just a little more.  Get up, get going, take that hill.  Freedom is just on the other side!"

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Craigslist Ministry. Wanna Buy Some?

It's no secret that I am a firm believer that God works more in the Church than in the church.  Most all of my ministry is done outside the walls of any church building and will continue to be true for the rest of my life.

This experience, however, was unexpected.

Let me tell you how it all happened:

Living in a house half the size of our one in Iowa has caused considerable congestion over the years and our garage in so full we are unable to park a car in it, alone attempt to walk through it.  After a failed attempt at a garage sale, I decided to put a couple items on Craigslist to see if I had any takers.  One item was an entertainment center (real nice, no room for).

As expected I had a number of different inquiries.  I was only asking $25 and it was a nice unit.  For whatever reason, one guy caught my attention over the previous inquiries so I gave him a call.  We talked and then an e-mail exchange came about.  It was simple enough.  He came by, we talked, he let me know he was trying to get work, so he was making one trip (get the unit, find a place to change and head to an interview 1/2 hour away). The man's name was  "CJ" and was late 40's and kind.  He also sheepishly asked what my bottom price was, as he was trying to pinch every penny possible.  I told him $10 and he thanked me.  As he went to the truck to back it in, God thumped me upside the head and let me know that this is a grand opportunity to just bless someone.

When he got out of the truck, we loaded the unit in and he went for his wallet.  I told him, just take it.  It was just taking up space and I am glad he could use it.  He stopped, smiled and thanked me.  He explained how hard it was to find the right job in the right place (or any job for that matter).  I was once again very thankful for my employment and opportunity to do what I do.  As he went on his way, I told him I would be praying for him on his search and waved him on.

I figured that would be that.  I moved on with my day and hoped he enjoyed his new find.

That night, I got this e-mail:

It was a pleasure meeting you.  Thank you very much for holding the entertainment center for me until I could get out there today.  I was very touched by your generosity; I don't come across that alot these days, especially in this economy. Hope all goes well for you and your family.  Thank you again very much; it helped that I was able to accomplish everything in one trip.  Best of luck .  CJ.

I thought to myself.  Very cool!  Love that he could use it and was so happy with it!!  I was also prompted by the Holy Spirit to share a bit more with him.  So I sent this e-mail in return:

Hey CJ~

It was a pleasure meeting you as well.  I am glad you are able to use the entertainment center. As a follower of Christ, this is the way we should operate.  Give when you have.  God has put people in our lives when we have needed so we pass that way of life on.  Funny thing is I had 6 different responses to this and chose yours.  Glad I did!

I will be praying for you to find the right job in the right place.

Take care (and shoot anything you might need prayer for my way!  You have my info :-)


That return e-mail was on the 21st of April.  I "threw" that line into the ocean to see what response there would be.  I figured none, but at least the generosity of a Christ-follower to be planted in his head.  Time went by and nothing.  I just let it go and had honestly forgotten all about it.  Until Friday.  Friday I got another e-mail from CJ.

And what it said BLEW ME AWAY!

Hi again Todd,

Just thought you might like to know, your prayers worked. I start a new job on Monday and it's "the right job in the right place", as you mentioned. 
I hope all is well with you and your family. 
I never really believed in the power of prayer.  After meeting you and as a recipient of your generosity, I am now a believer. 
Just to let you know, my new job will allow me to help others, just as you've done for me.  I'll be making prosthetic devices.  Thank you again. 


I cried.  

 I thank Jesus that I could be used and I was able to stop being a self-centered idiot for a moment and hear something God was saying.

Realize I write all this not to say "Look what I did!".

That's not it at all.  I just happened to (for once) get something right.  But rather, this reflects how we are to live.  That God is ALWAYS WORKING and wants us to join Him.

He gives us opportunities every day

If we stop and listen..and then DO..we then start truly living the Adventure and Abundant Life that Jesus promises.

And that is a promise you can count on.  FOR ETERNITY!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

And They All Fall Down

I need to get better at this.

I had decided I needed to blog more, I have 800 million ideas rolling around in my head constantly and 799,999,999 never get out.  So bear with me.

I am preparing the message for our college ministry, The Well tonight at Van Dyke.  And in the process there is one scripture that always stands out.  I have yet to do research and dig in on this, but wanted to pose a few questions today.

In John 18, it is the scene where Jesus is arrested and then taken on the excruciating journey to the cross.  As Judas, soldiers and officials of the chief priests arrive Jesus goes out to meet them.

He asks, "Who is it you want?"

They reply, "Jesus of Nazareth."

Now, what happens next is what gets me.  Jesus then replies "I am He" and they drew back and fell to the ground.


What just happened?

When Jesus made the statement "I am He," its like there was a power surge.  Can't you just see it.  Its kind of like when they re-made Star Wars and the Death Star exploded.  There was a ring that emanated off it as a special effect.

Exploding Jesus.  Totally makes sense to me.

Anyway, apart from dicing this into a million pieces, there was a statement to be made.  A declaration of power.  Something supernatural.

So...what about us? (hard transition)

If John 14:15-15:8 are true and God sends his Holy Spirit to indwell us and we are "One" with Him.  Then..why don't people fall down when we enter a room?

Now, I understand the leap we would have to make to have this be literal and we are not God.  (Besides, people falling down whenever we walk near them would be rather inconvenient) But the implications are there.  We have that same power source within us.  God's power through the Holy Spirit.  The very one that raised Jesus from the dead, created the universe and broke the power of death.  It fully there for those that have surrendered to Him.

Yet we walk around as though we are defeated.  Worse yet, we walk around not believing that the power source is able or willing to be or do what scripture says.

And our lives show it.


That is what you should be saying if you just read that.  I did.

Living this way is a disgrace and affront to God.  He intended for us to be world changers.  Instead we have bought into the slide that is this world and our comfortable lives.

I wonder when I get to heaven and wait for the words "Well done, good and faithful servant" if I will hear a pause and a "Well...."

Something to chew on.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Bloody Truth

It seems like people shy away from blood.

I guess I don't blame them.  Lot's of blood usually means death.  In today's world, it can also mean disease. It's supposed to stay INSIDE the body, right?  (That's usually a good thing).

But what if shed blood is a good thing?  What if there is something powerful in it?


OK, let's dig in.

The last two posts I have made a case for the covenant bond of sex in a marriage context.  Most importantly that sex "seals the deal".  The physical attribute to this being blood shed during the first time of intercourse.  This is the crux of what I want to dig into, as this has tremendous meaning.  Something that you have to hear and understand.  It will also change what and how you teach your kids about this often flippant act of "passion".

In my last post we looked at the whole ritual of a Jewish marriage (from a general viewpoint).  One thing that is missing frrom almost every account is, what I consider, the MOST important detail.  

In the ritual, the bride and groom would then be escorted to their bridal chamber (or addition that was built) for around 7 days to physically consummate their marriage.  Two witnesses were standing guard outside until the time period was over and a great celebration and feast ensued.

Two witnesses were standng guard outside.  Did you catch that in the story?  Did you wonder why?  Were they keeping pesky kids away from trying to sneek a peek?  Were they there just as a symbol for an ancient ritual?  Why were they there?  I will tell you.

It roots out of a story in the bible (rarely paid attention to):

Marriage Violations
 13 If a man takes a wife and, after sleeping with her, dislikes her 14 and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying, “I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity,” 15 then the young woman’s father and mother shall bring to the town elders at the gate proof that she was a virgin. 16 Her father will say to the elders, “I gave my daughter in marriage to this man, but he dislikes her. 17 Now he has slandered her and said, ‘I did not find your daughter to be a virgin.’ But here is the proof of my daughter’s virginity.” Then her parents shall display the cloth before the elders of the town, 18 and the elders shall take the man and punish him. 19 They shall fine him a hundred shekels[b] of silver and give them to the young woman’s father, because this man has given an Israelite virgin a bad name. She shall continue to be his wife; he must not divorce her as long as he lives.

(This comes out of the NIV version of the bible, red lettering is my addition)

In this story, it talks about if a man wants out of the marriage because he claims she isn't a virgin, proof must be given.  A cloth must be brought as evidence of her virginity.  What is on that cloth?  Blood?  What from?  

Well, sex ed 101.  When a young woman is a virgin (and at that time there were no things as tampons), her hymen (a fleshy piece of tissue) is still intact. During intercourse for the first time, it is generally torn and bleeds.    This proof is what they were looking for in this scripture.

The witnesses?  They stood and waited for the joyful consumation of marriage to take place, the covenant bond to happen sealed with blood.  Once the couple appears, the witnesses examine the bed, find the evidence and take it to her mother showing the proof and allowing the wonderful festivities to begin.

Even beyond the evidence of the blood, the significance of the blood cannot be undervalued.   All through scripture blood covenants are held and talked about.

Kay Arthur says this in her book Our Covenant God:
 "..together we explore the Word of God and explore the crimson thread of covenant woven throughout the fabric of God's truth from Genesis to Revelation." pg.15

"..everything God does is based on Covenant." pg. 15

O. Palmer Robertson gives us this insight in The Christ of Covenants:
"When God enters a covenental relationship with men, He sovereignly enters a life-and-death bond.  A convenant is a bond in blood, or a bond of life and death, sovereignly administered." pg. 4

So why are our relationships so different?  Till "we get tired of each other" sounds pretty silly right about now.  

Think about this.  Think HARD. (Dramatic pause)

OK, This is what we now know:

A) God's call to covenant with us is a blood bond of life and death.

B) We are "In Him"(John 15) and to follow His example (more of the bible then I have space).

C) Our relationships, most certainly marriage, should Follow.  This.  Pattern.


Man, we need to get this.  We need to teach our children this. If we do, we have a generation that will change the face of this culture and world.



Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Wedding

Today, we have lost the depth of stories and rituals.  We do things without understanding of why and so many things are instant and shallow.

With that, sex has been reduced to a basic, animalistic instinct, marriage is archaic and 'till death do us part becomes 'till I don't "love" you anymore (or someone else comes along).

I want to show you a different way.  One of depth and richness.  One full of symbolism and layers.  One that truly comes alive.  The Jewish culture gets this.  Here is their way (and something we could learn greatly from):

(Side note:  This is not exhaustive of the practice, just an overview)

Imagine you were back in ancient Israel.  There was a young Jewish man that became of the age to be married.  In that day, marriages were arranged; so the father of the groom sent one of his most trusted servants out to look for the right young bride for his son.  One day the servant came back with just the right young lady in mind.  At once the father of the groom went to meet with the father of the potential bride.  There were intense, long discussions and negotiations.  Finally, (after the father of the groom was assured she was a virgin) a price was determined for the bride-to-be.  The price was steep.  The price usually determined was comparable to a new house price for us today. ($200,000) A high price was customary as the father of the bride was losing a worker and the father of the groom wanted to show how much they valued the young lady.  Once this was agreed upon, the young man and woman were considered"betrothed".  Both parties would share a cup of wine to seal the covenant.  This was as good as married with a covenant sealed relationship minus the physical consummation.

The groom would then go away in order to add a room to his father’s house. It usually took a year or two, but the actual time was determined by the father.  During this time, the bride would prepare herself, waiting for her groom to come with great anticipation working on her wedding gown.   It was when the father said that things were ready when the groom would surprise his bride and bring her back with a great processional.  This was usually done late at night and the silence of slumber was broken by the sound of the shofar.  Great joy, shouting and dancing would fill the streets.
The bride and groom would then be escorted to their bridal chamber (or addition that was built) for around 7 days to physically consummate their marriage.  Two witnesses were standing guard outside until the time period was over and a great celebration and feast ensued.

I don't know about you, but to me this is beautiful.  It is rich.  It has meaning and depth.  There is symbolism for our relationship with Christ spread all through out this ceremony.

This is done ON PURPOSE.  With intentionality.  Everything had meaning.

After all.  Two become one.  This was more than two people tying the knot.


It is not two humans deciding they like someone and want to "give it a go".  It is two people uniting as one, sacrificing for each other with Christ at the center.  And realizing the burden and exciting privilege of being the closest reflection on earth of Christ's love for us, his bride.

There is a covenant that is made between two people and God.  Between two fathers, and a blood covenant in the bridal chamber.  One that binds the two and cannot be separated.  Two become one.

There is a big deal of the consummation of the marriage by physical intercourse.  It is set apart.  Waited for.  Given time for enjoyment and meaning.   Virginity is sacrificed, blood is shed, a covenant is sealed.

True joy is known.

DO YOU SEE THIS!?  This is POWERFUL!!  LIFE CHANGING!!  And I'm not done.
Tomorrow, I want to talk more about this blood covenant in the consummation of marriage.  This "seals" the deal ;-)

You don't want to miss this.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Worth The Wait? Why waiting for marriage to have sex is so important.

Not too long ago I had the opportunity to give the weekend message called "God and Prostitutes" at Van Dyke Church.  In the message I talked about the Covenant (not to be confused with a contract) relationship of marriage in comparison to the Covenant relationship between Christ and us.

In that message the core scripture I used was Ephesians 5:25-32.  In it, it talked about the love of a husband for his wife (giving up his life for her) and how it says that "A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two become one."  It is a great mystery, but an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. (Italics my addition)

While it IS a mystery and always will be how this two-become-one thing works, there is a strikingly clear message that is being told through stories and scripture that we absolutely NEED to understand.

Let's start unraveling that mystery, shall we?

To begin,  this is what we know:

  • Sex is good.  Genesis 1:27-28, Proverbs 5:18-19, Song of Songs (The whole book pretty much..and rated R)

  • Sexual relations are meant to be inside the covenant relationship of marriage .  Genesis 2:24,  1 Corinthians 7:2-3, Commandment #7 of the Ten Commandments, Hebrews 13:4, plus many more.

You and I, however, know that throwing a bunch of scripture at teenagers rarely does a lot of good.  They give the "glazed" look, the eye rolls.  In their minds, thinking "This is so outdated!"

That response is met with our response of "Oh, they are just being kids."  And we move on.


This is dangerous.  Now, more than ever, I am convinced we need young people to understand the dangerous and pain-filled road they will to walk down if they don't get this right.

How? You may ask.

Tomorrow I will be discussing the whole idea of marriage through a near-eastern Jewish lens and tradition saturated in symbolism that is relevant today. 

 It's a great story of love and intimacy.  I love great stories.  Because great stories speak.  And this one?  This one speaks volumes.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reformation at 40.

  • In January I turned 40.  

Funny thing, I for the first time realized what so many older people talk about.  The fact that they in their mind don't feel their age, but their bodies do.  I keep attempting to do physical things that a 20 year old would do (jump off the side of a house) and realize my body just won't take it anymore.  Sigh.

That has pretty much nothing to do with my post, however.

I was sitting on the couch one night after everyone had gone to bed and was thinking "Wow.  I am 40.  That used to seem so old.  But in reality my life could very well be 1/2 over."

At that moment, God chimed in.  And this is what He said:

"So I know what you have done with your last 40 years.  What are you going to do with your next 40?"

I sat in silence.

Then.  Emotion.

What is THAT supposed to mean!?  Did you just throw me under the bus for the last 40 years of my life?  Honestly, that was my first thought.  God just threw me under the bus for the way I have lived out my last 40 years.  But the more I thought about it I realized it was less that and more a calling to a reformation of sorts.

If we look at our lives and truly allow God to work through us, there will be points to where we are able to put stakes in the ground to look back on.  Times when we have made a hard shift in what and how we believe and our faith.

Mine have so far come:

  • July 1990 when I became a surrendered follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Sometime in 2004 when I came to understand GRACE.
  • May of 2007 when I realized God isn't safe (and my life shouldn't be either..move to Fl).
  • January of 2012 when I finally started to get my footing here in Florida.  Oh, what?  THERE you are God.  You ARE faithful.  Thanks for leaving me hanging out there for the last  4 YEARS!  OK, maybe not that bad.  But the last 4 years sure have been an adventure!!  (Put "adventure" in google and hit enter.  Wikipedia should come up and read what it says in the search results)
So at 40, God is calling me to a new season.  One that is more bold.  One of fresh renewal.  One that pushes the boundaries.  

There is a fire stirring in this tired, seasoned body Lord.  

Do. Your. Best.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Franciscan Blessing

It has been some time ago, but I heard this blessing prayed and never forgot it.  May you find strength in it.

May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain in to joy.

And may God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Well, I'm official!

I just received my confirmation that I have been accepted and added as a Professional Speaker with The Source for Youth Ministry.  This, in a way, is a long time coming.
The Source for Youth Ministry Speaker Page.

It has been a thought of mine for quite some time to travel and speak.  That thought has been confirmed through people numerous times over the last 6-8 years.  I have dreamed with friends, thought the "what if", and played out numerous scenarios of what it could end up being.  And as with most things, I shoved it to the side and did "practical" ministry that had a salary and left no time for anything else besides family.

About 4 months ago I was made aware I would be getting a new position over multiple ministries.  My evenings would be more free and time freed up to pursue other adventures (I am actually MORE busy now..;-)  But with this window I felt I needed to seize the opportunity.  I applied and sent in my DVD.  A month ago I received a call from the Founder and CEO of The Source 4YM and we talked.  He dug, I answered.  He asked for more info, references and such.  I obliged.

Then, my phone call came:  "I would love to add you to our team."

It was a bit of a surreal moment.  Not that I am going to get many opportunities at the beginning.  But who knows?  I didn't plan on moving across the country 4 years ago either.  ;-)  In reality, my heart and passion lie at Van Dyke Church.

Now, for the first time since moving to Tampa, I am excited AND confident I am exactly where I am supposed to be.  There is so much more in store for this church and the Student Ministry as well.

God kept saying, "Hang on.  I didn't leave you hanging."  More is coming.  You were obedient and I am going to reward that."

I have a promotion.  I have a wonderful staff.  I have an opportunity to travel and speak. I have an amazing church.

My family is blessed.

And it has just begun.

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Website!

Hey everyone!  I have a new website that is up now.  There will be more additions and adjustments coming soon.  But for now, I wanted to share!  Check it out!  (And I will be added to The Source for Youth in about a week)

Thanks and give me feedback!

Much love,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wow. It's been a while.

Hello all.  It has been a while.

Since our last conversation, I have immersed myself into my new role here at Van Dyke, traveled to Africa and have been selected by The Source for Youth Ministry as a professional speaker that they will promote.

So, more on life soon.  The adventure continues!