Thursday, April 19, 2012

And They All Fall Down

I need to get better at this.

I had decided I needed to blog more, I have 800 million ideas rolling around in my head constantly and 799,999,999 never get out.  So bear with me.

I am preparing the message for our college ministry, The Well tonight at Van Dyke.  And in the process there is one scripture that always stands out.  I have yet to do research and dig in on this, but wanted to pose a few questions today.

In John 18, it is the scene where Jesus is arrested and then taken on the excruciating journey to the cross.  As Judas, soldiers and officials of the chief priests arrive Jesus goes out to meet them.

He asks, "Who is it you want?"

They reply, "Jesus of Nazareth."

Now, what happens next is what gets me.  Jesus then replies "I am He" and they drew back and fell to the ground.


What just happened?

When Jesus made the statement "I am He," its like there was a power surge.  Can't you just see it.  Its kind of like when they re-made Star Wars and the Death Star exploded.  There was a ring that emanated off it as a special effect.

Exploding Jesus.  Totally makes sense to me.

Anyway, apart from dicing this into a million pieces, there was a statement to be made.  A declaration of power.  Something supernatural.

So...what about us? (hard transition)

If John 14:15-15:8 are true and God sends his Holy Spirit to indwell us and we are "One" with Him.  Then..why don't people fall down when we enter a room?

Now, I understand the leap we would have to make to have this be literal and we are not God.  (Besides, people falling down whenever we walk near them would be rather inconvenient) But the implications are there.  We have that same power source within us.  God's power through the Holy Spirit.  The very one that raised Jesus from the dead, created the universe and broke the power of death.  It fully there for those that have surrendered to Him.

Yet we walk around as though we are defeated.  Worse yet, we walk around not believing that the power source is able or willing to be or do what scripture says.

And our lives show it.


That is what you should be saying if you just read that.  I did.

Living this way is a disgrace and affront to God.  He intended for us to be world changers.  Instead we have bought into the slide that is this world and our comfortable lives.

I wonder when I get to heaven and wait for the words "Well done, good and faithful servant" if I will hear a pause and a "Well...."

Something to chew on.

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