Monday, March 8, 2010

What is Love? Part 1

The million dollar question.

"What. Is. Love?"

I had a student leader text me on this subject, and this is what was said:

"Always and Unconditionally."

Three words thrown around casually and often. Usually without any thought to what the bookend words REALLY entail or the weight of their meaning.

Today, these words became profound.

I have to say, first off, I am proud of my leader for this response. I am honored to know that this is becoming the DNA of the Re:Wired College Ministry. Not only was that a first response, but those words transfer to actions. I have had the privilege of watching this statement in motion by our leaders. How amazing that is!

Now I realize that this can become a formula many times for cheap grace. It can smack of "anything goes" mentality and we watch human nature become reduced to animal-like instincts. But if you were really to employ this strategy to the heart and truth of what it really means, it has massive reaching effects.

It may also be hardest thing you have ever had to do.