Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thoughts of life, heart to keypad.

At small group last night we were talking about theology, questions about God, His goodness, His faithfulness and overall, who IS He?

I am not sure where anyone else landed last night, but I landed with this:

There are no guarantees of tomorrow.

That can be a startling reality. However, most of the world acts as though there is. I see myself and so much of the world take our years, months, days, moments..for granted. Of course I will wake up tomorrow. Tomorrow is just another day.

What if it isn't?

What if it's not there?

How would you live today?

What if you don't have another day, another hour, another minute?

What would be your regrets?

I know I would have tons of regrets. Lost moments, things I should have done or said. Days I wasted when I could have been doings something of worth. Time with my wife, girls, friends, students. Pouring myself out.

I realized lately that we (I) tend to walk through life in a fog. As though we are just living,

but not really alive.

This is why I love to be with people and hate being behind a desk, but at the same time do not take advantage of the opportunities laid out before me. Anyone else feel like a paradox?

I feel as though I know I should be living differently, but just...don't.

I would like to say I plan on changing this, but at this point I can't promise anything. I want to from a mental standpoint, but my spirit is drained. I guess I need to pray that God revives my heart and His passion re-fills me. Lord to have someone to pour into me has been so long.