Monday, April 29, 2013

Your Future is in God's Hands, Not Mans!

Today I was hit with perspective.

Ever have those days where you sit down, look back and can make sense of what has happened over a period of time.  My case, years.

I am not really sure where to start, so let's dive right into the middle.

The last two ministry experiences prior to Van Dyke Church were..well.. less then ideal.  Ever been in a place where things don't click?  You just don't fit?  It wears you out.  I cannot explain the frustration of how misunderstood I felt.  Consistently.
The defeat almost drove me out of ministry.

Crazy thing. In the middle of it all, God's voiced these steady words: "Stay the course."

Really?   I don't think so.  But God's words didn't waver.

It's an interesting thing that happens as you are forced to press into the Father.  Your fear of man begins to disappear.  A confidence in the providence of God replaces the fear and peace enters.  While situations may not change, you most definitely do.

Long story short, I went away for 2 days to fast and pray.  I knew God was preparing a new season for me, and my family.  Sure enough, it was so.

Within months, we moved 1600 miles away from Iowa to Florida.
A town of 30,000 to an area of over 3,000,000.
A church of 250 to a church of 2,000.

Overwhelming?  Yes.
Easy?  Oh, heck no.

I would like to say that my last 5 years have been all fun and prosperity.  But anyone that knows us knows differently.   Everyone jokes that if we didn't have bad luck, we wouldn't have any luck at all.
It became clear: The enemy DOES. NOT. WANT. US. HERE.

But God does.  Now, it would take too long to tell you all that our pastor, his family, the staff, and the congregation have done for us.  Just take my words for it.  Immeasurable and incredible.

Today I had the opportunity to sit down with my pastor for what I call a "Future Check".  We looked over the last 5 years of ministry, college/young adult.  Good, bad, missed opportunities.  Changed lives. Promotion, Student Ministries.  Tremendous changes, new directions, lots of work, missed sleep.  Fresh start, growth begins, new life.

A lot has transpired over the last 5 year.  And my church has given me more opportunity to succeed than ever before. Now what's next?  This is where it hit me.  We know my past. I wanted to see the possibilities of my future.  This is where my mind was blown.

Talking about my future, I was affirmed of my gifts, talents and abilities.  I was able to hear that not only was I not a screw-up, but I am exactly the opposite.  I have been faithful and very successful with the opportunities given to me.  Praise God!  (My prayer is consistently "Lord, don't let me screw this up!")

I was also given the opportunity to peak in the doorway of what is to come.
The glimpse of what I saw was beyond my expectations.  I could hardly believe it.

How is it that I went from "ready to step away from ministry-not seemingly able to do much right", to running towards bigger dreams than I could have imagined?

Simple answer:  Trust God, don't fear man.  And don't let anyone tell you your worth or value aside from God!

In the times of defeat (which was pretty consistent for a while), I had a choice.  Turn away from God, or lean into Him.  I chose the latter...most of the time ;-)  He stayed faithful regardless.  I learned to not fear man, but trust in God.  His plans are not life will not go as expected.  It will be harder that I think.  I will want to quit. But I will stay the course.

And it will be MORE than worth it.

God is more interested in who I am becoming than my comfort level.  I was in Iowa, I faced fire.  I moved to Florida, I faced more/different fire.   Fire hurts.  Fire refines.  Fire allows molding. Fire is necessary.

I have stayed the course. (an adventurous fiery one at that!)

And the future is bigger than I dreamed!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Things are GROWING!!

Spring is here, and things are GROWING!!

No, not in an agricultural sense.  A spiritual sense.  And it's EXCITING!!

For 5 years I have worked at Van Dyke, watched lives changed and toiled, toiled, toiled.  Sometimes it seemed as though the time I put in almost wasn't worth the results.  In October of 2011,  I was given the honor and task of heading up the entire Student Ministries area of our church. (middle school-young adult).  I will spare details, but it was quite a task, lots of history and tons of work.

In the last couple of weeks, I finally have seen the fruit of the time as well as the Holy Spirit doing some incredible things.  To give you a glimpse, check out our pastor's latest entry in his blog:

And this blog only scratches the surface.
We are excited for what God is doing here!  And the best is yet to come.

Welcome to the NEW Student Ministries at Van Dyke Church!