Thursday, October 6, 2011

Things that make your head spin

Ever had a season in your life where you just go.. "Good-freaking-grief".

Welcome to my last 3 months.

This summer we all went to Iowa. (we vacation in Iowa) Wonderful time.  Beautiful.  Hard to come back to the heat.

North Carolina.  WONDERFUL!  PAINFUL!  Ever had a areas of your life you keep packing in boxes, telling God you will deal with them later?  Yep.  This was my "later".  As He was ripping open my boxes and was spilling the contents all over the floor, (poor students..thought I was bi-polar) He told me the next season I was going to need to be ready to fight.  And fight I have.

New role, new adventure, new headaches.

I, for the first time, will no longer be doing direct ministry.  A lot has happened with our church and restructuring to make sure our youth are set up for a win.  With that,  I am no longer the Director of College and Young Adult Ministries.  I am now the Director of Student Ministries.  A new position was created to oversee all of the student ministries (middle, high and college).  I have been asked and accepted that position as of last week.  This means that I will be over the Directors and staff of the respective ministries now. I will work with an organization called Youth Ministry Architects to develop and implement an 18 month plan for fruitful and sustainable student ministry, build unity, shepherd, lead and jump into a new adventure.  One that spends a lot more time at the office and much less at the coffee shops.


And does this mean I have to be a grown up!?

There's more.  So much more.  But you need to grab me for coffee (and get me out of the office!) to hear it all.

I'm not kidding.