Thursday, January 17, 2013

I want to keep this as a reminder...

Ever have those times when someone says something to you, or as in this case, posts on your Facebook wall something that stops you dead in your tracks.

This is what happened on my birthday.  I had one of my former students, now a young adult in ministry (YAY!) do such a thing.

I was simply enjoying the birthday wishes from people here and far away (I guess that is one positive of Facebook) when a note from one of my boys, Shven appeared.  Here is what it said:

So this week I've been at YFC (Youth for Christ) Institute being trained and we reflected on those who sowed into our lives as young adults and I got to speak about how a one Todd Leet stepped into my life when I was a hurting youth. It has been nearly a decade since then, but if it weren't for your intervention and love, all that is my life would be gone. So while we embrace the future and celebrate the changes that have happened since then, I hope you get to reflect on the eternal impact your life has made.

Happy birthday!

Your fellow predestined elect brother (don't hate me) Shvennyboo

I write this for 2 reasons.

1) I never want to lose this.  I have printed it off, it is on my Facebook page and I am placing it here.  

2) I want it to stand as a constant reminder of the eternal significance we play in other people's lives. 

(And side note..He just experienced where I got my start in ministry.  YFC Institute.  Great memories!)

You just never know what or when something will click.  But beyond anything, just loving others has the biggest impact in people's lives.  Love people, get messy.  Make mistakes, give bad advice, royally screw things up.  But be present.  And love.

That is my ministry history, right there.  And if what you just read above is the result.. I will continue to be imperfect.  And love.  With everything I've got. 

Thank you, Jesus, for using screwed-up people for Your purposes.

Now let's go change the world!

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